Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy One Year Out Anniversary

It’s been a long while since I have posted updates on Elder Hatfield!  Sorry, we moved and have been working on selling our home, and went to Europe visiting 6 different countries for a little over 3 weeks.  He was out one year on July 6, Let the count down begin!!! LOL  Thanks so much for your love and support. There are a few letters mixed in. 

Howdy ya'll!!!
It's great to hear from ya all the way from Denmark. That is so amazing that you got to see the original Christus and what not. Europe has a lot of history and is just a cool place.
So I got my new companion and his name is Elder McDonald. He is from Las Vegas and he's great. He is really good for me. always trying to be happy, faithful, and positive. we have a good time together.
I like that you said the Lord's hand is in our lives, b/c it definately is. We see it every day and that's one of the greatest blessings of being a missionary.
 O ya tell Helle and the family hi for me.
I like the "where's elder Hatfield" pic. thats fun. My comp got a kick out of it
I got my year mark papers this last week and that was weird. I can't believe I'll be hitting that mark this week. It all went by so fast. I'm grateful I have another year though, b/c I have a ton of stuff I need to learn before I get back into the real world.
The work is coming along as always, slowly but surely. We are definately called to certain missions for a reason. Sometimes it's frustrating b/c in the Latin countries they're baptizing every week, and they're what we call fishers of man, where we consider ourselves hunters of men. Big It really tries your faith, love, patience, etc. When things happen though your that much more grateful. I love this Gospel. It's so very true. and I love my family so so much for the examples they have been and always will be. Keep having a great time in the country of Demark! Love ya!!

Those pics are way cool. It is beautiful over there. It's fun to see ya'll. Well we're really working on filling that investigator pool, but it has been at a stand still all week. good things are happening though. This last week we saw an investigator we hadn't seen for a few weeks, walking down the street while we were sitting at a red light. She was set on date in the past but then we lost contact w/ her. we rolled down the window and she ran over and wanted to meet w/ us that night. So we did and she asked us if we could give her a blessing. We talked about some things and she said she's pretty sure she is ready for baptism, but is just struggling w/ some things. so we are meeting w/ her tomorrow night w/ our mission president and hopefully we will set a date for baptism again.
I'm so glad ya'll are having a blast. I love hearing from all of you, and I love and miss all of you. Keep having a great time, and I'll do the same here. Love ya

Well it was another great week. The lord is really blessing us w/ so many miracles. People have been falling into our lap lately. We found 5 new investigators this last week and we have set appointments w/ two more potentials that showed up to church, for this week. one time last week we went to try and contact a referral and a young lady answered the door. we asked if Marc was there and she said 'no, who are you!' in a blunt rude so we started talking and for about 15 minutes we talked about the military w/ her and how she had just got done w/ her 4 years in the army. Finally she let us in and was asking us all kinds of questions. It just so happened that her mom is a minister, so she was familiar w/ church stuff, but she didnt give mormons the time or day b/c she heard we practiced polygamy. So we got to explain all kinds of things to her. We also found an old lady who is of Russian/Polish descent. She has the accent and everything. She has quite the stories. The woman we have set on date for July 29 is doing great. we met w/ her this morning and went through the baptismal interview questions so it wasn't foreign to her. Yesterday church was really awesome. We had a recent convert of two years from another ward come and speak to us. He had quite a story. he is a big happy black guy that is a single father of an 11 year old daughter. I happened to be sitting up in the front of the chapel w/ a less active so she wasnt alone and this guy speaking spoke directly to me for about a few minutes of the talk, just saying how important missionary work is. That was way cool. we also had a less-active that just moved into our ward who hadn't been to church for 10 years, but he and his wife(who's not a member) decided to make a change, so that's really cool. Then another woman brought a friend to church and we found out she had investigated the church in the past and neither she nor her friend were members so we will meet w/ them this week too. The Lord is just really blessing us and it's a great bunch of miracles to see. Well it's good to hear your having a great time still. I look forward to getting the snail mail telling me all about it. I pray for ya'll every day. I love ya so much

Elder Hatfield and Elder Fisher High School buddies, serving together


New Comp

Josh's companion took this pic of Josh teaching a 92 year young lady!!
Elder Hatfield