Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Middle of October

Howdy mom, and yes it is middle of october!!!!
Those pics are beautiful. That bald eagle is epic. I love the colors of the fall. I sent a picture of me and all the zone leaders of the mission along w/ President Maynes. We had a meeting in Friscoe which is the only place I have got to go that's in the mountains. It's so wonderful up there. It's fun to smell the mountain air, and not be in the city. I love the city that's for sure, but I miss the mountains too. 
Well this coming sunday we are having a baptism at 4 p.m. **** is going to be baptized, and he's only 20 years old.  We are so excited for him though. Transfers is in two weeks and I hope I get to stay here another transfer. If that happened that would make it almost seven and a half months in this area. I'm going on six here soon. Church was so awesome yesterday too. We had a total of 12 people there. 4 investigators and 8 less-actives. It was perfect b/c President and Sister Maynes spoke in our ward.
One thing  I love about this area is all the hospitals are here, so we get all kinds of opportunities to go and give blessings. This last weeks experience came when our Bishop gave us a call to give some lady he didn't even know a blessing. We happened to have no set appointments at the time so we headed straight over there, which turned out to be perfect timing(weird right=)). It turned out to be a woman from Grand Junction who has been here for two weeks preparing for a bone marrow transplant or something of the sort. When we first got in there the nurses made us get all cleaned up and washed so we didn't bring anything bad into this extremely sanitized room. It just so happened that we got there 20 minutes before the procedure was going to start, and the woman was so pleased and comforted to get a blessing before it. She was really worried, but it all worked out.
We met w/ the stake presidency yesterday for our monthly council of the stake and it was a good experience as usual. It amazes me how much these men care about the people. Pres. Millet (the stake Pres) tries to teach us as he asks us questions. He really relies a lot on us and expects a great deal from us, which is worrysome sometimes but I'm grateful for it.
I love my mission so much! I'm eternally grateful to be out here and I am learning a great deal. I'm grateful I have the time that I do. It's just all going too fast. I pray for you all every day and hope the best for you. Keep up the amazing work you are doing. I love you all very much. Have a wonderful week!
Elder Hatfield