Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Actions or rather Reactions!!!


My amazing week was quite amazing!!
I'm excited to be here another transfer. That tells me there is still things for me to do here. We have been meeting w/ a less active woman now for the past two weeks and for the past two weeks now she's been coming to church. the first time in almost the last 15 years. She is doing wonderful. I feel she is finding more hope and purpose to her life now.

That guy we have on baptismal date is doing phenomenal. He is now reading in Mosiah and keeps on trucking along. He is so ready for this Gospel and I love to teach him. He has so many questions and has even brought up a couple that I've never thought about too much.I love when people ask me questions b/c I want to seek out an answer for them. I've found that that is one of the reasons I find joy in trying to learn things every day. I want to be able to give the best and correct answers I can to anyone who brings up whatever question.

We met a new family this last week who has had great relationships w/ missionaries in the past and w/ members that were their neighbors. It was fun to be able to speak w/ them and find out their thoughts about the Gospel. They are both very strong Christian believers, but have great respect for the church. The thing we're going to first focus on for them is the Book of Mormon. It really is a wonderful book. People are scared about the emphasis we put on it, but it's for good reason. There is no doubt that we should be reading the Bible always as well, but the Book of Mormon really is the keystone of our religion. I'm going through it right now and trying to focus specifically on examples of receiving strength in the Lord. It's been fun.

Something interesting has been happening to me this last week. I don't hardly know how to explain it or why it has stood out to me, but I've really been pondering my actions, or rather my reactions to any situation. I'm realizing how easily frustrated I can get w/ people, and how the way I want to react is foolish. In most situations I find myself immediately wanting to react in the wrong way when in reality it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm trying to choose the way that will bring more peace and swallow my pride. So it's been humbling and eye opening. We are constantly having opportunities to react to something, and it's good to take a step back and reflect on how we may have reacted. It's been a good exercise for me and I hope it continues.
I will continue looking under every rock and find who is ready to hear the Gospel or who needs a seed planted. Have a great week. 

Elder Hatfield